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FandomRainbow • 1 year ago

Tamaki getting angry on Sogo's behalf was so good, man. I get where Ryuunosuke is coming from with wanting families to get along, but Tamaki was so right to tell him things weren't that simple. Each situation is different and ultimately, it takes a willingness from both sides to get along. Power to Sogo for deciding to try again, tho. For his sake, I really hope things go well!!

Riku managing to charm Ryou has gotta be the funniest thing I've seen all season. Dude really got unintentionally uno-reversed while trying to taunt him XD

nemo pororo • 1 year ago

Agree. I don't like it when character's keep saying that they have to because they're "family". Family can be bad to a person as well. It's not always a good relationship.

nevermind • 1 year ago

I gotta say I think Ryuu was really characteristically insensitive towards Sogo. And pretty manipulative too, the way he fraimed it to be for Sogo's benefit. I'm glad Tamaki called him out but I kinds hate how the scene ftaimed it as Tamaki being too emotional or somrthing

FandomRainbow • 1 year ago

Agreed. The only thing Tamaki did wrong was getting physical about it. Ryuu was really out of line asking so much of Sogo without considering his feelings on the matter.

nemo pororo • 1 year ago

Like he's doing sogo a favor because now he has a reason to talk to his family.
And just because tamaki understands that not all family can be good doesn't mean that he's just preventing sogo to make up with his family. So disappointed with ryuu here.

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

Lol is Ryou going to start becoming Riku's fan? He was trying to bring him down but it seems like he found a mutual aspect and seems more curious about him since he started looking up his stuff. I guess this power Iori believes Riku wields might be the answer to stopping Ryou from going berserk? I'm sure it won't be enough but it's at least a start? I was surprised at how he spoke to Touma though, and even when Isumi told him to be quiet he didn't even have a fraction of the anger he had.

Lol Gaku and Ryuunosuke gushing over how adorable Tenn was when he was crying but forgot to wait until he actually left the dorm before doing so. The way Gaku froze and spoke in such a deep voice about Tenn killing them later was so funny, I wish we got to see what Tenn did as soon as he got back lol. But it was really sweet to see them open up about how much they love each other, I hope they're able to perform in bigger halls.

wwlaos • 1 year ago

During the home visit, I loved Tamaki and Gaku's "heck yeah!" moment at 11:53. XD

-Zarina - • 5 months ago

Power? The way that Iori phrased it last episode it sounds like manipulation doesn't it.

AnotherUselessPerson • 1 year ago

Tamaki you should be glad you're hearing a knock and not the drilling sound...

Tsukumo: I don't believe in Idols
Riku: *exists*
Tsukumo: ...that can't stop me beacuse
Riku: *uses monster charisma*
Tsukumo: ...becasuse
Riku: *uses :(*
Tsukumo: :o

wwlaos • 1 year ago

"The drilling sound" makes me think of the movie Uncle Buck. XD

Yako • 1 year ago

Tamaki :(( also domestic trigger is so cute

Faynke • 1 year ago

I'd love to see Riku get Tsukumo on his side. Man has the face of an angel, surely even that rat bastard Tsukumo would fall for it lkajdflakjdf At the very least he's interested in Riku, that'll give him a good opportunity to use his charms and win him over lol

wwlaos • 1 year ago

That ending... oh shit! D:

looserr • 1 year ago


Zhang Qiling • 1 year ago

I highly agree with Tamaki. I hate how most people would be encouraging children to talk to their abusive/cruel parents/relatives first just cause they are older/their parents excuse. Just cause you're parent or older doesn't mean that you're flawless or that you shouldn't admit your fault first when you're wrong. Why should the actual victims/kids be the ones to approach first?! It's more irritating since Ryu seems to have supportive nice family while Sogo's family is pure ass.
Apart from his violent tendencies every now and then, Tamaki is such an innocent sweet heart <3

I still think that Iroi is overreacting over the whole thing related to Riku being a "monster" crap lmao

So Tsumkmo or whatever his name is was basically neglected by his family and that's why he turned into a major asshole? And since Riku made it seem like they are in similar situation he is gonna get all obsessed with him??
Also why he is rude with Toma and yet lets green haired brat yell at him?!

Some people in pervious episodes comments told me and insisted hat Riku and Tenn are supposed to be in their 20's even though when I googled it, it said that they are 18 only and here Ryu or was is it Gaku? I didn't really focus who said it honestly but anyway, he said that Tenn isn't 20 years old yet which means they are indeed supposed to be 18-19 years old only...makes sense cause I was startled when they said they are already in their 20's that quick lol.

bluff hmph • 1 year ago

No one of the entire cast ages past their initial ages so they're wrong, Tenn, Riku and Tsumugi are all 18

GreenTea Gal • 1 year ago

[ iori simping intensifies ]

PicHor • 1 year ago

200 Mio-

Xirca • 1 year ago

Tsukumo... Its you against them...what are you doing haha

bluff hmph • 1 year ago

The ending is my favorite part of the episodes lmao, not that the adaption is bad just the ed is much better